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James Dodson

They threw Jezabel to the dogs.

They threw Jezabel to the dogs.


“Here comes to be justly reproved, the strange practice and behaviour of some in these days, who being not contented with the form and fashion which God hath sorted unto them, do devise artificial forms and favours, to set upon their bodies and faces, by painting and colouring; thereby making themselves seem that, which indeed they are not. This practice is most abominable in the very light of nature, & much more by the light of God’s words; wherein we have but one only example thereof, and that is of wicked Jezabel, 2 Kings 9:30, who is noted by this mark of a notorious harlot, that she painteth her face.”—William Perkins, Cases of Conscience, printed in his Workes.(1617). 



Advice for Reforming Your Wife.-John Chrysostom (347-407).-A series of counsels on bringing reform to wives including the wearing of jewelry and use of cosmetics.

Letter CCXLV.-date unknown-Augustine of Hippo-In this letter Augustine addresses how women should dress and declares they should go about with their heads covered, avoid the use of cosmetics and shun costly attire and any ornaments connected with heathenism.

Questions, and Cases of Conscience about Apparel.-1659-Samuel Clarke (1599-1683).-Extracted from his Marrow of Divinity, this section contains observations on the proper use of apparel and jewelry together with a discussion about the unlawfulness of face painting.